Tuesday 11 November 2014

Resetting Hyperion Workspace Admin Password if you forgot

One day I found this post very interesting to me in my search. Hope it will use full to all :)

This Post describes how to reset admin password for Hyperion SS. We had a Hyperion setup, we forgot our admin password. simply we followed the below points.

1) Stop all the hyperion services.
2) Connect to the SS schema in database and run below script to change the password to 'password' which is default.
3) update CSS_USERS
set PASSWORD='{SHA}W6ph5Mm5Pz8GgiULbPgzG37mj9g='
where name='admin';
4) commit.
5) start all the services and make sure that you are able to connect all the consoles with new password.

Run the below script to change the password to 'welcome1' :

Here CSS_USERS represents a table which holds information about SS schema security.
update CSS_USERS
set PASSWORD='{SSH2}FvSZVSvSmzvjT/02Nn1TrJyQk8SqNus4Fw4m2cNxa3zkSLe8HFiJy7cT8zUDGiWi'
where name='admin';