Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Difference between DROP,Truncate and Delete in Oracle?

Difference between Truncate and Delete in Oracle?


1.TRUNCATE is a DDL command and cannot be rolled back. All of the memory space is released back to the server.

2. DELETE is a DML command and can be rolled back.

3. TRUNCATE : You can't use WHERE clause and DELETE : You can use WHERE clause

4. Both commands accomplish identical tasks (removing all data from a table), but TRUNCATE is much faster.

5.Truncate: Drop all object's statistics and marks like High Water Mark, free extents and leave the object really empty with the first extent.Delete: You can keep object's statistics and all allocated space.

6. In case of TRUNCATE ,Trigger doesn't get fired.But in DML commands like DELETE .Trigger get fired.

7. Drop command will delete the entire row also the structure.But truncate will delete the contenets only not the strucure, so no need to give specifications for another table creation.

8. Drop command remove the table from data dictionary. This is the DDL statement. We can not recover the table before Oracle 10g. But Oracle 10g provide the command to recover it by using the command (FLASHBACK)

9. DROP and TRUNCATE are DDL commands, whereas DELETE is a DML command. Therefore DELETE operations can be rolled back (undone), while DROP and TRUNCATE operations cannot be rolled back.

From Oracle 10g a table can be "undropped". Example:

Flashback complete.

PS: DELETE will not free up used space within a table. This means that repeated DELETE commands will severely fragment the table and queries will have to navigate this "free space" in order to retrieve rows.

10. Truncate will not use the undo TBS, whereas a delete will.

Friday, 14 December 2012

OHS and It's Configuration

mod_wl_ohs: is a module in Oracle HTTP Server 11g R1 which allows requests to be proxied from Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) to Oracle WebLogic Server.

mod_weblogic: This module is part of Apache HTTP Server and allows requests to be proxied from Apache HTTP Server to Oracle WebLogic Server.

For difference between mod_wl_ohs and mod_weblogic click here

Things good to know about configuring OHS infront of weblogic

1. You can use Fusion Middleware control /em (register OHS with weblogic Server to access it from control) , steps here  or directly update httpd.conf  (steps given below) to configure mod_wl_ohs
2. If weblogic server is clustered then mod_wl_ohs uses simple round-robin to forwards requests from HTTP Server to all available weblogic servers.
  mod_wl_ohs directs HTTP requests containing a cookie, URL-encoded session, or a session stored in the POST data to the server in the cluster that originally created the cookie.

3. mod_wl_ohs (as of 11gR1) only support container level failover and NOT application level failover. mod_wl_ohs continues to route requests to a down application as long as the managed server is up and running.

4. Configuration file of mod_wl_ohs is $INSTANCE_HOME/ config/ OHS/ <component_name>/ mod_wl_ohs.conf and included in $INSTANCE_HOME/ config/ OHS/ <component_name>/ httpd.conf (entry like
include “${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/ config/ ${COMPONENT_TYPE}/${COMPONENT_NAME}/ mod_wl_ohs.conf”)

5. mod_wl_ohs module file is available at $ORACLE_HOME/ ohs/ modules/ mod_wl_ohs.so
6. You can either use URL like /console using location directive (<Location /console>) or MatchExpression directive in mod_wl_ohs.conf to forward requests from HTTP Server to WebLogic Server.

7. While starting OHS on Windows, if you see error like

C:/atul/ fmw/ instances1/ config/ OHS/ ohs1/ mod_wl_ohs.conf:
Cannot load C:/ atul/ fmw/ ohs/ modules/ mod_wl_ohs.so into server: The specified module could not be found

Check mod_wl_ohs.so exists in specified location, if yes then
Copy “$ORACLE_HOME\ oui\ lib\ win32\ msvcp71.dll” to “c:\ windows\ system32″ and try again
Configure HTTP Serer infront of WebLogic Server
1. Install WebLogic Server and define server listening on port XXXX (7001 in this example)
2. Install Oracle HTTP Sever 11g steps here
3. Modify mod_wl_ohs.conf
a) For weblogic single instance
<Location /console>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicHost server1
    WeblogicPort 7001
* This will forward /console from HTTP server to /console on WebLogic Server server1:7001

b) For Weblogic instances in cluster
<Location /myServerURL>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicCluster server1:7010,server2:7010
* This will forward /myServerURL from HTTP server to /myServerURL on WebLogic Cluster server1:7010 and server2:7010

4. Restart HTTP Server
$INSTANCE_HOME/ bin/ opmnctl restartproc ias-component=ohs1
5. Test that you can access application deployed on Weblogic using Oracle HTTP Server like

Source: http://onlineappsdba.com/index.php/2009/09/23/configure-oracle-http-server-infront-of-oracle-weblogic-server-mod_wl_ohs/
Thanks to Atul Kumar

Monday, 19 November 2012

Oracle's Recyclebin using

First, a quick review of the basics. There are two recyclebin views: USER_RECYCLEBIN and DBA_RECYCLEBIN. For convenience, the synonym RECYCLEBIN points to your USER_RECYCLEBIN. The recyclebin is enabled by default in 10g, but you can turn it on or off with the RECYCLEBIN initialization parameter, at the system or session level.

sql> alter session set recyclebin=off;
sql> alter system set recyclebin=on;

When the recyclebin is enabled, any tables that you drop do not actually get deleted. Instead, when you drop a table, Oracle just renames the table and all its associated objects (indexes, triggers, LOB segments, etc) to a system-generated name that begins with BIN$.

For example, consider this simple table:
SQL> create table tst (col varchar2(10), row_chng_dt date);

Table created.

SQL> insert into tst values ('Version1', sysdate);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from tst ;

---------- --------
Version1   16:10:03
If the RECYCLEBIN initialization parameter is set to ON (the default in 10g), then dropping this table will place it in the recyclebin:
SQL> drop table tst;

Table dropped.

SQL> select object_name, original_name, type, can_undrop as "UND", can_purge as "PUR", droptime
  2  from recyclebin 
SQL> /

------------------------------ ------------- ----- --- -------------------
BIN$HGnc55/7rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST           TABLE YES YES 2006-09-01:16:10:12
All that happened to the table when we dropped it was that it got renamed. The table data is still there and can be queried just like a normal table:
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='HH24:MI:SS' ;

Session altered.

SQL> select * from "BIN$HGnc55/7rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0" ;

---------- --------
Version1   16:10:03
Since the table data is still there, it's very easy to "undrop" the table. This operation is known as a "flashback drop". The command is FLASHBACK TABLE... TO BEFORE DROP, and it simply renames the BIN$... table to its original name:
SQL> flashback table tst to before drop;

Flashback complete.

SQL> select * from tst ;

---------- --------
Version1   16:10:03

SQL> select * from recyclebin ;

no rows selected
It's important to know that after you've dropped a table, it has only been renamed; the table segments are still sitting there in your tablespace, unchanged, taking up space. This space still counts against your user tablespace quotas, as well as filling up the tablespace. It will not be reclaimed until you get the table out of the recyclebin. You can remove an object from the recyclebin by restoring it, or by purging it from the recyclebin.
SQL> select object_name, original_name, type, can_undrop as "UND", can_purge as "PUR", droptime
  2  from recyclebin
SQL> /

OBJECT_NAME                    ORIGINAL_NAME TYPE                      UND PUR DROPTIME
------------------------------ ------------- ------------------------- --- --- -------------------
BIN$HGnc55/7rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST           TABLE                     YES YES 2006-09-01:16:10:12

SQL> purge table "BIN$HGnc55/7rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0" ;

Table purged.

SQL> select * from recyclebin ;

no rows selected
You have several purge options. You can also purge everything from the USER_RECYCLEBIN using PURGE RECYCLEBIN; a user with DBA privileges can purge everything from all recyclebins using DBA_RECYCLEBIN; and finally, you can purge recyclebin objects by schema and user with PURGE TABLESPACE USER .
Unless you purge them, Oracle will leave objects in the recyclebin until the tablespace runs out of space, or until you hit your user quota on the tablespace. At that point, Oracle purges the objects one at a time, starting with the ones dropped the longest time ago, until there is enough space for the current operation. If the tablespace data files are AUTOEXTEND ON, Oracle will purge recyclebin objects before it autoextends a datafile.


Just as you can wind up with several versions of a file with the same name in the Windows recycle bin, you can wind up with several versions of a table in the Oracle recyclebin. For example, if we create and drop the TST table twice, we'll have two versions in the recyclebin:
SQL> create table tst (col varchar2(10), row_chng_dt date);

Table created.

SQL> insert into tst values ('Version1', sysdate);

1 row created.

SQL> drop table tst;

Table dropped.

SQL> create table tst (col varchar2(10), row_chng_dt date);

Table created.

SQL> insert into tst values ('Version2', sysdate);

1 row created.

SQL> drop table tst;

Table dropped.

SQL> select object_name, original_name, type, can_undrop as "UND", can_purge as "PUR", droptime
  2  from recyclebin;

------------------------------ ------------- ----- --- --- -------------------
BIN$HGnc55/7rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST           TABLE YES YES 2006-09-01:16:10:12
BIN$HGnc55/8rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST           TABLE YES YES 2006-09-01:16:19:53
Query the two dropped tables to verify that they are different:
SQL> select * from "BIN$HGnc55/7rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0";

---------- --------
Version1   16:10:03

SQL> select * from "BIN$HGnc55/8rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0" ;

---------- --------
Version2   16:19:45
If we issue a FLASHBACK DROP command for TST, which version will Oracle restore?
SQL> flashback table tst to before drop;

Flashback complete.

SQL> select * from tst;

---------- --------
Version2   16:19:45
Oracle always restores the most recent version of the dropped object. To restore the earlier version of the table, instead of the later one, we can either keep flashing back until we hit the version we want, or we can simply refer to the correct version of the table by using its new BIN$... name. For example, dropping TST once more gives us two versions in the recyclebin again:
SQL> drop table tst;

Table dropped.

SQL> select object_name, original_name, type, can_undrop as "UND", can_purge as "PUR", droptime
  2  from recyclebin;

------------------------------ ------------- ------ --- --- -------------------
BIN$HGnc55/7rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST           TABLE  YES YES 2006-09-01:16:10:12
BIN$HGnc55/9rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST           TABLE  YES YES 2006-09-01:16:21:00
To flashback to the first version, refer to the BIN$... name of the first version of TST:
SQL> flashback table "BIN$HGnc55/7rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0" to before drop;

Flashback complete.

SQL> select * from tst;

---------- --------
Version1   16:10:03
The second version is still hanging out in the recyclebin:
SQL> select object_name, original_name, operation, can_undrop as "UND", can_purge as "PUR", droptime
  2  from recyclebin;

------------------------------ -------------- --------- --- --- -------------------
BIN$HGnc55/9rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST            DROP      YES YES 2006-09-01:16:21:00


In a modern relational database, few tables stand alone. Most will have indexes, constraints, and/or triggers. Dropping a table also drops these dependent objects. When you drop a table with the recyclebin enabled, the table and its dependent objects get renamed, but still have the same structure as before. The triggers and indexes get modified to point to the new BIN$ table name. (Any stored procedures that referenced the original object, though, are invalidated.) For example:
SQL> truncate table tst;

Table truncated.

SQL> insert into tst values ('Version3', sysdate);

1 row created.

SQL> create index ind_tst_col on tst(col);

Index created.

SQL> select * from tst;

---------- --------
Version3   16:26:10

SQL> drop table tst ;

Table dropped.

SQL> select object_name, original_name, type, can_undrop as "UND", can_purge as "PUR", droptime
  2  from recyclebin
  3  order by droptime;

------------------------------ -------------- ------ --- --- -------------------
BIN$HGnc55/9rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST            TABLE  YES YES 2006-09-01:16:21:00
BIN$HGnc55//rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST            TABLE  YES YES 2006-09-01:16:27:36
BIN$HGnc55/+rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 IND_TST_COL    INDEX  NO  YES 2006-09-01:16:27:36
The RECYCLEBIN views have a few other columns that make the relationship between TST and IND_TST_COL clear:
SQL> select object_name, original_name, type, can_undrop as "UND", 
  2  can_purge as "PUR", droptime, base_object, purge_object
  3  from recyclebin
  4  order by droptime;

------------------------------ --------------- ----- --- --- ------------------- -----------   ------------
BIN$HGnc55/9rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST             TABLE  YES YES 2006-09-01:16:21:00 233032        233032
BIN$HGnc55//rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST             TABLE  YES YES 2006-09-01:16:27:36 233031        233031
BIN$HGnc55/+rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 IND_TST_COL     INDEX  NO  YES 2006-09-01:16:27:36 233031        233434
The PURGE_OBJECT column is the object number of the object itself; eg. the object number of IND_TST_COL is 233434. Note the value of the BASE_OBJECT column for IND_TST_COL: 233031, the object number of the associated version of the TST table.
If we FLASHBACK DROP the TST table, its index will be restored - but Oracle will not rename it to its original name. It will retain its BIN$.. name:
SQL> flashback table tst to before drop;

Flashback complete.

SQL> select * from tst ;

---------- --------
Version3   16:26:10

SQL> select index_name from user_indexes where table_name='TST' ;

I'm not sure why Oracle bothers storing the index's original name, since it doesn't seem to be used for anything. If we now drop this copy of the TST table, Oracle doesn't "remember" that the original name of the index "BIN$HGnc55/+rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0"was IND_TST_COL - the ORIGINAL_NAME column in RECYCLEBIN holds the ugly string "BIN$HGnc55/+rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0" :
SQL> drop table tst;

Table dropped.

SQL> select object_name, original_name, type, can_undrop as "UND", can_purge as "PUR", 
  2  droptime, base_object, purge_object
  3  from recyclebin
  4  order by droptime;

------------------------------ --------------- ----- --- --- ------------------- ----------- ------------
BIN$HGnc55/9rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST             TABLE YES YES 2006-09-01:16:21:00      233032       233032
BIN$HGnc56ABrRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST             TABLE YES YES 2006-09-01:16:31:43      233031       233031
BIN$HGnc56AArRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$1 BIN$HGnc55/+rRP INDEX NO  YES 2006-09-01:16:31:43      233031       233434
Note the values in the CAN_UNDROP and CAN_PURGE columns for the index (displayed as "UND" and "PUR" above). An index cannot be undropped without the table - so CAN_UNDROP is set to NO. It can, however, be purged without purging the table:
SQL> purge index "BIN$HGnc56AArRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$1" ;

Index purged.

SQL> select object_name, original_name, type, can_undrop as "UND", can_purge as "PUR", 
  2  droptime, base_object, purge_object
  3  from recyclebin
  4  order by droptime;

------------------------------ -------------- ----- --- --- ------------------- ----------- ------------
BIN$HGnc55/9rRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST            TABLE YES YES 2006-09-01:16:21:00      233032       233032
BIN$HGnc56ABrRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST            TABLE YES YES 2006-09-01:16:31:43      233031       233031
Now, if we restore the table, it will be restored without the index:
SQL> flashback table tst to before drop;

Flashback complete.

SQL> select * from tst ;

---------- --------
Version3   16:26:10

SQL> select index_name from user_indexes where table_name='TST' ;

no rows selected
If you drop a table with associated LOB segments, they are handled in a similar way, except that they cannot be independently purged: CAN_UNDROP and CAN_PURGE are set to NO, and they are purged if you purge the table from the recyclebin, restored with the table if you restore it.


A few types of dependent objects are not handled like the simple index above.
  • Bitmap join indexes are not put in the recyclebin when their base table is DROPped, and not retrieved when the table is restored with FLASHBACK DROP.
  • The same goes for materialized view logs; when you drop a table, all mview logs defined on that table are permanently dropped, not put in the recyclebin.
  • Referential integrity constraints that reference another table are lost when the table is put in the recyclebin and then restored.
If space limitations force Oracle to start purging objects from the recyclebin, it purges indexes first. If you FLASHBACK DROP a table whose associated indexes have already been purged, it will be restored without the indexes.


In Windows, you can choose to permanently delete a file instead of sending it to the recycle bin. Similarly, you can choose to drop a table permanently, bypassing the Oracle recyclebin, by using the PURGE clause in your DROP TABLE statement.
SQL> purge recyclebin;

Recyclebin purged.

SQL> select * from recyclebin;

no rows selected

SQL> create table my_new_table (dummy varchar2(1));

Table created.

SQL> drop table my_new_table purge;

Table dropped.

SQL> select * from recyclebin;

no rows selected
If you disable the recyclebin at the session level, with ALTER SESSION SET RECYCLEBIN=OFF, it has the same effect as putting PURGE at the end of all your drop statements. Note, however, that you can still use FLASHBACK DROP to restore objects that were put in the recyclebin before you set RECYCLEBIN=OFF. For example:
SQL> select object_name, original_name, type, can_undrop as "UND", can_purge as "PUR",
  2   droptime, base_object, purge_object
  3  from recyclebin
  4  order by droptime;

------------------------------ ------------- ----- --- --- ------------------- ----------- ------------
BIN$HGnc56ACrRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST           TABLE YES YES 2006-09-01:16:34:12      233031       233031

SQL> alter session set recyclebin=off ;

Session altered.

SQL> create table tst (col varchar2(10), row_chng_dt date);

Table created.

SQL> insert into tst values ('Version5', sysdate);

1 row created.

SQL> drop table tst ;

Table dropped.

SQL> select object_name, original_name, type, can_undrop as "UND", can_purge as "PUR",
  2   droptime, base_object, purge_object
  3  from recyclebin
  4  order by droptime;

------------------------------ -------------- ----- --- --- ------------------- ----------- ------------
BIN$HGnc56ACrRPgQPeM/qQoRw==$0 TST            TABLE YES YES 2006-09-01:16:34:12      233031       233031

SQL> flashback table tst to before drop;

Flashback complete.

SQL> select * from tst ;

---------- --------
Version3   16:26:10


- Oracle drops most dependent objects along with the table, and restores them when the table is restored with FLASHBACK DROP, but does not restore their names. You can purge dependent objects separately to restore the table without them.
- Even after turning RECYCLEBIN OFF, you can FLASHBACK DROP objects that were already in the RECYCLEBIN.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Start Forms Builder 11g release 2 in Oracle Enterprise Linux Server 5

I’ve installed Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 2
 Now, I try to run the migrated forms, but I get this error:

I need to recompile my forms with Forms Builder. When I start it, I get this error:
1$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
2$ ./frmbld
3./frmbld: error while loading shared libraries: libhpi.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Maybe you’ll find this one:
1$ ./frmbld
2FRM-91129: fatal error: message file fmc<language>.msb not found
To solve both errors, I’ve configured some environment variables:

1$ export ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware_11gr2/Oracle_FRHome1
2$ export PATH=/app/oracle/middleware_11gr2/Oracle_FRHome1/bin:$PATH
3$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/app/oracle/middleware_11gr2/Oracle_FRHome1/lib:/app/oracle/middleware_11gr2/Oracle_FRHome1/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads

Now when I start again frmbld I get an X Window with this error message:
1FRM-91129: fatal error: no value specified for required environment variable FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH

I configure this environment variable to the location of the frmbld.jar file:
1export FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH=/app/oracle/middleware_11gr2/Oracle_FRHome1/jlib/

And here it is, the Forms Builder running in X Windows:

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Which tools does a DBA need to carry out his tasks?

Below is the list of tools and their functionalities that a database administrator uses.You are expected
to know about these.

This is the tool provided by oracle and comes automatically when you install oracle server or oracle
client. This is the tool which you use to connect to the database and execute your sql queries and get
the required information from the database.The drawback of this tool is it doesnt give the data in a
good and user friendly format. You should know different sqlplus format commands to format the
data correctly. Then you can see the information very cleanly and orderly.

10 things what you can do with sqlplus are1)execute sql statements 2)format your results 3)execute scripts 4)execute stored
procedures,functions,packages 5)display the database parameters with the show command
6)shutdown and startup a database 7)connect to a remote database on a different server 8)Create
any database objects 9)Create a database 10)All database administration activities.

 2)TOAD or SQL Developer 
This is a tool from a company called quest software.This tool does all the things which the
SQLPLUS tool does. In addition this tool has lot of other functionalities to monitor the database.The
results are also formatted very well.You dont have to worry about formatting the result sets.Lots of
oracle developers and administrators use this tool and is considered very very useful. So to
summarize you can use this tool to connect to the database and execute your sql queries and get all
the information.You can save the result sets in different formats.

10 things you can do with TOAD1)execute sql statements 2)save your results in different formats 3)execute scripts 4)execute stored
procedures,functions,packages 5)All database administration activities 6)monitor database sessions
7)Create database objects 8)View the code for different objects in user friendly windows.9)Very
useful for oracle developers to design and develop databases 10)Performing trace of sessions.


This is a tool used to connect to a unix server from your machine. Suppose imagine that your
database is on a Unix server. You want to log into that server.How will you do that? You can use
this tool called "Exceed" and provide the name of  the unix server and your username and
password.Then it will connect to the server and opens a window for you where you can see the
database information and other information about the server.

Things you can do with EXCEED1)connect to unix servers 2)ftp data to unix servers 3)Use different secure methods to connect to
unix servers like ssh,telnet,slogin etc

This is a similar tool like Exceed. This is also used to connect to the unix server. Dont worry if you
dont know much about these tools. Atleast just remember what these tools are used for and it
doesnt take much time to learn these as these are used just to connect to the unix server.

 Things you can do with REFLEXION1)connect to unix servers 2)ftp data to unix servers 3)Use different secure methods to connect to
unix servers like ssh,telnet,slogin etc

This a tool to connect to the Database Server from command line interface.We can use this tool if we are not going to have a GUI credentials.We can do all the tasks on Database using this tool.
6) VNCVIEWERThis is a tool to connect to the Database Server using GUI.It helps us to installations and configurations on a remote Server with user friendly access.

6)Oracle Enterprise ManagerThis is a tool provided by oracle to do lot of database administration activities using a graphical user

Things you can do with enterprise manager1)All database administration activities including backups 2)Lot of graphical screens to perform the
administration activities 3)Lot of graphical screens having access to different views that help in
performance tuning 4)Enterprise manager grid console in 10g has vast capabilities to manage all
databases in a company from one weblink. 5)Enterprise manager 10g grid console can use agents
installed on individual servers to gather information about the databases and the servers and to show
the information in a user friendly way. 6)Can be used to schedule jobs on the database server to
perform data processing , administration activities.7)Can configure alerts to send automatic emails to
the DBA whenever any database problems exist.